Sew a Boat? Obviously.
In case you were previously unaware, as was I, boats in certain parts of the world were sewn together duringRead MoreSew a Boat? Obviously.
In case you were previously unaware, as was I, boats in certain parts of the world were sewn together duringRead MoreSew a Boat? Obviously.
We all use them and probably every day. There are more knots than the few we probably all know. KnotsRead MoreKnot/Knotty/Knot At All
“Oceania is a region of the South Pacific Ocean. It is also regarded as a continent in some parts ofRead MoreGlobe Trotting: Oceania
Thanks to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department for a fantastic collection of videos – especially their WildLIVE and How-ToRead MoreTrail Cams: Wyoming
“The Gobi is one of the greatest deserts in the world. A stripe stretching for more than 1,500 kilometres fromRead MoreGlobe Trotting: The Gobi Desert
When bored there are many sites to choose from in my bookmarks. Marine Traffic is one of them: CheckRead MoreTraffic News4U: Ocean Version
“Forms of Graffiti can be found throughout history, dating back to the cavemen. The first drawings on walls could beRead MoreGraffiti: Art and/or Vandalism?
Cool drone video from Australia. Watch it full screen if you can.
It’s hard to travel everywhere you might like to go. The internet and its resources can help provide an alternative.Read MoreVirtual Tour: The Walters Art Museum
Mushrooms. Good to eat, fun to hunt for and find, but major mysterious for those who don’t have a bookRead MoreFancy Word: Mycology