Globe Trotting: (US) Native Territories
East Coast 1600’s
A map from 1911 of eastern North America showing the general areas of early contact between the Native Americans and European settlers. The map is divided by groups (Algonquians, Iroquoians, Siouans, and Muskhogeans) and the principal representative tribes within the subdivisions, including the Mohegans, Pequots, Narragansetts, Wampanoags, Lenapes, Six Nations (Oneidas, Senecas, Cayugas, Onondagas, Mohawks, Tuscaroras), Susquehannocks, Shawnees, Cherokees, Catawbas, Yamassees, Chicasas, Creeks, Chocktaws, and Seminoles.
Source: Jacques W. Redway, F.R.G.S., The Redway School History (New York, NY: Silver, Burdett and Company, 1911) 85
Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman.
Found at: https://etc.usf.edu/maps