Ocean Stuff: Blue Whale Watching
Just some cool Blue Whale videos. Easter Egg #1: Go to this link to read up on Blue Whales fromRead MoreOcean Stuff: Blue Whale Watching
Just some cool Blue Whale videos. Easter Egg #1: Go to this link to read up on Blue Whales fromRead MoreOcean Stuff: Blue Whale Watching
If sailing the open oceans intrigues you and you’re interested in early exploration coupled with adventure, then the story(ies) ofRead MoreWalk Like An Egyptian. Sail Like A Polynesian.
Pick out a favorite shark. Check out where it’s been. Kind of cool. Go here: Ocearch
Ever wonder how far down you can go in the ocean? Here’s a good video explainer: The Mariana Trench isRead MoreHow Deep Is Deep? Pretty Deep.
When bored there are many sites to choose from in my bookmarks. Marine Traffic is one of them: https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:80.5/centery:12.7/zoom:2 CheckRead MoreTraffic News4U: Ocean Version