Totally Random: Belgium Donut
An interesting way to explore the power of the internet is to type something completely random into your favorite search engine and see what pops up. The MJT does this from time to time. Today the search was: “Where can I buy a donut in Belgium?”. Why do a donut search and why pick Belgium as the place to find one? Both good questions. However, no good answers. Just totally random is all there is to it.
The winner was going to be the first donut shop/bakery to appear in the search results that was 1.) physically located in Belgium and 2.) that was locally owned (or at least appeared to be from what we could tell). Why? Because if we’re ever in Belgium and going to eat a donut we want an actual Belgium donut made by a local. Nothing else will fly. Frankly also just really like to support locally owned businesses. The MJT goes local always if we’re able.
Moment of hesitation: wasn’t really sure if they even sold donuts in Belgium. Being European, the possibility existed that they don’t even sell donuts there by that name. Not to worry though. They do. So all was good.
The lucky winner? COCO Donuts. If ever in Belgium this place is where all donuts eaten will come from. First, obviously the motto works. The picture above is a screen grab from their website. One donut a day keeps the doctor away. Sold. Give me two just to be extra safe in keeping the doctor away. Second, very cool website. So, has to be cool people who own/work at COCO Donuts. Never get a donut from people who aren’t cool. Third, handmade donuts. From their website: “COCO Donuts is about small batches of handmade 24 hours raised brioche donuts for an ultimate experience of the artisanal donut. We wanted to take donuts to another level and revisit the classic donut dough mostly known through big American donuts chain by using the classic brioche recipe as the base of our recipe.”
Check out their current collection here: https://www.cocodonutsbrussels.be/collections/cronuts-1

FYI: Totally free shout out for COCO Donuts. Again, we like locally owned businesses and try to support them where ever they may be. Go COCO Donuts!