Shoot A Shot
I’ve been an avid picture taker for a long time, but without ever really knowing anything about what was happeningRead MoreShoot A Shot
I’ve been an avid picture taker for a long time, but without ever really knowing anything about what was happeningRead MoreShoot A Shot
Reading the last few days about some people who used to comprise most of the humans on the planet untilRead MoreAlways Hungry, Never Starving
Always on the lookout for ways to improve the quality of life for self and those around me, I thinkRead MoreWet Your Whistle
A lot of people enjoy a green lawn with fresh clipped grass and neat borders. I’m no enemy of them,Read MoreNative Plants
Arguably one of the things that makes for an entertaining time with others is the telling of a good storyRead MoreSpin A Yarn
Being possessed of no musical talent of any kind other than playing the radio (now Spotify/Pandora, etc) hasn’t stopped meRead MoreBucket Drumming
A helpful guide to cooking from 1917 is below. Bookmark it for future reference. You will be impressed by howRead MoreDon’t Know How To Cook? Problem Solved.
Just some cool Blue Whale videos. Easter Egg #1: Go to this link to read up on Blue Whales fromRead MoreOcean Stuff: Blue Whale Watching
Clean, plentiful water is something many are accustomed to having on demand. Depending on where you live you may beRead MoreAll Along The Water Tower.
Continuing from the previous post, and wrapping up with this one, on a brief foray into the Theory of Relativity.Read MoreRelatively Speaking. Second Time.